Ford News

Don’t fear the dragons, but do plan for them

Don’t fear the dragons, but do plan for them

In unknown and potentially turbulent financial times, proper planning, robust stress testing and rapid, proactive responses are more important than ever for business success. But so, too, is keeping in perspective that whatever challenge you face will eventually pass, believes Nayan V Kisnadwala, CEO of high-end automotive finance provider JBR Capital.

Who is going to buy the used cars?

Who is going to buy the used cars?

Darren Selig, Founder & Executive Director of high-end automotive finance provider JBR Capital, believes clues as to what could happen can be found in the non-automotive retail sector.

The Ford GT Story

The Ford GT Story

Follow us on a journey through 54 years of Ford’s illustrious line of two-seater GT models in an in-depth feature about these legendary sports cars.